Burgundy Photo Gallery


Olivier Leflaive, our home and table in Puligney Montrachet.
Preparation for the harvest.
Between villages.
The most important time of year.
Approaching Volnay.
On the Route des Grands Crus.
Town hall in Meursault.
Cave entrance at the Chateau de Meursault.
In the cave.
Arbois, beloved village of Louis Pasteur.
The town square in Arbois.
Our home in the Jura, the Chateau de Germigney.
Ready for dinner at the Chateau.
Pastoral Port Lesney.
Pastoral Port Lesney II.
The intricate salt mines of Salines les Bains.
An evening at the local bistro.
The earthy winemakers of the Jura.
The royal salt works (Saline Royale) at Arc en Senans.
The Saline Royale II.
The Saline Royale III.