Chiavenna, Italy –

One of the most extraordinary relationships we have ever had with an Italian local is the one that we share with our pup Poldo.  His is an amazing story.  He came to us young but already with a few lifetimes of experience behind him.  He knew about losing his family, abandonment, life homeless on the streets and life skirting the boundaries of the law.  When we met him, he was basically a fugitive and a very charming one at that.  He arrived in our garden on a self-invited play date and kind of never left.

That one visit led to some fine adventures for him.  By the end of his first year, he was already chasing seagulls along the Oregon Coast.


We thought that as we enter these warmest days of summer, it would be a fine time to share a few of the stories that have led Poldo to canine fame on two continents.  The origins of his unusual name, his brief career as a local soccer player and how the Italian Feds came to have a file on him.

Check in every few days or so and see how Poldo went from humble bastard beginnings to hopping a cab to Central Park.  Enjoy the journey!  We certainly have!
